About OlympusHerb Ltd.
In 2012 a small group of people, passionate about herbs, commenced a reasearch of the variety and cultivation of herbs.
After a careful selection of variety and ideal sites in the most untouched locations of Greece, in 2014 the first planting took place, while in 2016 we started our first co-operation with independent growers. Our love for Mountain Tea has always been there!
In December 2016 OlympusHerb IKE, a processing and packaging company, was established aiming at the optimization of quality in all levels of production, from the mountain to the cup.
The process of cultivation, collection and drying are perrormed in the most natural way, without machines and with zero environmental footprint. At the company's facilities we follow the most efficient ways to ensure the clarity and purity of our products at all levels of production.
The company is certified by the following
- ISO 22000 for food safety
- Bio Certificate
- Barcode GS1
Products / Packaging
Bulk 100 servings | Glass container
The bulk package includes 100 single servings of mountain herbal tea from Mount Olympus (sideritis scardica). Each serving is for one 100 ml cup of tea.
On the first order a glass container is shipped along to hold the single portions. For the following orders the product is shipped in a bulk package of 100 servings to fill the glass container.
Net weight per serving 0,8 gr.
The Doypack package containts 20-25 full body herbs in single servings portions of mountain herbal tea from Mount Olympus (sideritis scardica). One serving is used for a cup 100-150 ml, or two for stronger taste.
Net weight per package 15 gr.
Best suite for
- Home consuption
- Snack bars
- Company catering
- Airlines and Shipping companies
- Pharmacies
- Hospitals, clinics and rehabilitation centres as nutrition supplement
Box of 50 servings
The Box packaging contains 50 single packed single servings of mountain herbal tea from Mount Olympus (sideritis scardica). One serving is used for a cup 100-150 ml, or two for stronger taste.
The packed single servings are designed to protect the herb's quality.
Net weight per serving 0,8 gr.
Best suited for
- Restaurants and cafe-bars
- Hotels (lobby, a la carte)
- Snack bars
- Catering companies
- Airlines and shipping companies
- Business gifts
- Home consumption
The product is mainly suited for professionals in the food/drink industry.
Doypack without stalk
The product contains solely buds and leaves from mountain herbal tea from Mountain Olympus (sideritis scardica).
It is a unique product since it contains no stems to protect the drink from tannins and sour taste. 1-2 gr are used for one cup 100-150 ml.
Net product weight 30 gr.
Best suited for
- Home consumption
Organic herbal product brought to you with care and respect to the environment.
Preparing / Serving the Mountain herbal Tea
Straight from the slopes of Mount Olympus, we proudly introduce the Mountain Herbal Tea in a new exciting way to enjoy.
Grown with love under the optimum conditions, only in organic farms and with certified means of collection and packaging, we present the king of the herbs (sideritis scardica) in its purest form.
Olympus Herb / Served hot
Serve it hot any time of the day and feel the healing action while enjoying its rich aroma and bright colours.
Dip one piece of herb, or two for a stronger taste, in almost boiling hot water in a cup, holding by the stem. You can leave the herb I your cup, or let it infuse for 5 minutes and remove.
Olympus Herb / Served Cold
Serve it cold during a shiny day and let your senses enjoy a cool and fresh daily pleasure with bright colours.
Immerse two herbs in hot boiling water 60-80 ml (1 ½ cups of coffee) and leave for 5 minutes. Fill up a tall glass with ice-cubes and transfer contents in the glass. Leave in one piece of herb.
Mountain Herbal Tea and Health
“May your food be thy medicine and thy medicine be your food”
Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.), Father of western Medicine
Today, almost 300 years after being recorded for the first time, sideritis scardica is still the King of herbs which grow in the near-mediteranean countries. Its rich aroma and special properties make it an essential and ideally everyday element of the world-famous mediteranean diet.
Mountain Herbal Tea
“The highest quality tea, comes from the highest mountains”, says an ancient Chinese saying. “The highest Greek mountains” we would add.
From the mountaintops of Olympus, home of the ancient Gods, we bring to you one of the most important herbs with a constant presence in the mediteranenan diet for centuries.
In Greece it is known as “Mountain Tea” It is an aromatic herb. It is an aromatic herb found on the Greek mountains in an altitude of over 1000 metres.
Olympus Herb Ltd.
Ορφανίδου 1, 546 26, Θεσσαλονίκη,
τηλ. +30 2310 545678, +30 6951 814000
info@olympusherb.com, sales@olympusherb.com